The entire "table" is given a width of 80 percent and a background color of yellow. The first row is given a light blue background color, with cells in the first and second column given a background color of pink. Setting the height of a cell to an absolute size works, but if one uses a percentage value, it is supposed to be the percent of the parent, but if one specifies 100 percent, it is just taking as much space as it needs, rather than the height of the parent. So the cell borders don't get displayed uniformly.

The solution below doesn't work at all in Netscape.

Cell one -- We want this first cell to have a width of 30 percent and we are centering this text horizontally
Cell third - This cell with have a width of 35 percent
Cell three -- This cell of course will also have a width of 30 percent Cell four -- This cell of course will also have a width of 30 percentr Final cell -- width of 35 percent -- summing to 100 percent causes problems, as if the whole width isn't available