Thumbnail Exercise:

1. Take several large images (e.g. those from a digital camera). If you are taking them from a digital camera, transfer them at the best possible image quality. If this format is other than .jpg, use Fireworks to create a fullsize, 100% quality version of these pictures.

2. Using Fireworks, create smaller size (height and width) versions of these (thumbnail images) of each of these larger pictures. Utilize a naming or directory naming convention to distinguish between the larger images and the smaller images.

3. Optimize each thumnail for the web.

4. Display the images on a single web page making each thumbnail picture a link to the larger image. Add some text describing any portions of the procedure you think are worth commenting on. Specify the alt attribute for each image.

5. Create a relative link from your home page to the page you created in #4 and FTP all the files to your web space.

You may do steps 4 and 5 through hand-coding or through use of a HTML editor such as Dreamweaver.