Animate Videos - Captions are Available If Viewed in Canvas but You Must Turn them on using cc icon
1. Animate 2020 Description2. Animate 2020 Preferences3. Shape Tweens Part 14. Shape Tweens - Alternate Ways to Do Them5. Adding Shape Hints to Shape Tween6. Multiple Tweens at the Same Time7. Modify>Timeline>Distribute to Keyframes8. Appearance of Instances of a Symbol, Editing in Place9. Animation Inside Graphic Symbols10. Button Symbols11. Buttons in a Navigation Bar12. Adding Sound to a Button13. Movie Clip Symbols14. Classic Tween with Guide Layer15. Tweening Multiple Images Simultaneously16. Convert an Image to a Symbol Before Tweening17. Masks and Tweening of Masks
Revised: March 28, 2020