In the last assignment, you created a data-driven page for the T-TAC home page.  In that assignment, you put the "data" into Access opening up the database in Access and inserting the data into new records.  In this assignment, you will insert the data into the Access database by using an HTML form and an ASP page.

1. The T-TAC page had 3 different categories of information.  You may have put this into three different tables or one table.  In this assignment, try to create a single form to insert data into all three categories but if this doesn't work, do a separate form for each category of information.  If you need help on this, look at the Dynamic SQL statements writeup.

For the form, a text box -- i.e. that created with <input type="text"> has a size limit of 255 characters, just like a text field in Access.  Just like you used a memo field in Access, use a textarea in the form.  The syntax is 

<textarea rows=5 cols = 50 name="bill"></textarea>

for a textarea which displays 5 rows and 50 characters per row.  However, more text can be entered -- it just scrolls.  You may want to use larger values for rows and cols. 

If you are using a single form to insert data into all three categories, use radio buttons or a drop down list so that the user can select in which category the information belongs.

2. On the ASP page that does the insertion, create a link to the ASP page you created in the previous assignment that displays the data-driven page.  This way you and I can easily see the effect of the insertion by clicking on this link.

3. Create links from your index page to the files for this assignment and FTP your pages to your website.  

Due: Wednesday, October 9.  Each of you should do this on your own, but of course feel free to ask for help from me or others if you get stuck.

Revised: October 25, 2002