Homework Assignment 2

Do the following in Notepad, Notepad++, or some other text editor.

1. Into a new file, paste the following tags.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">

Save the file as project.html inside of a folder called hw2 which is inside a folder called ite170.

2.. Take www.billpegram.com/ite170/fall15/ITE170-Projects.pdf, select all the contents of the documents (Ctrl A) and paste it in between the <body> and </body> tags.

3. Add a descriptive title between the title tags.

4. Add html tags to the document so that when the html file is viewed in the browser, it will look like the pdf file. The tags you will want to add will probably include the following:

<h1> ... <h6>
<b> or <strong>
<i> or <em>

Do not attempt to produce the pagination of the pdf file or include the page x of y found in the pdf.

Note that on the first page of the pdf you have an unordered list (bullet points) nested inside an ordered list. This means that you have to have the closing tag </ul> before the <li> that begins the Page Layout section (the second item in the ordered list).

6. Using CoreFTP or another FTP client, upload the hw2 folder to your student webspace. This will automatically upload any files within the hw2 folder, in this case the file project.html, See the instructions in the HTML5 tutorial or the Judy Miller video for instructions on use of CoreFTP. If you cannot connect with CoreFTP, you may need to call the ITHelpDesk (703-426-4141) to reset your password. Make clear to them that you want to reset your lanid password.

7. Submit the URL on Blackboard of your hw2 folder - if you have put the hw2 folder at the top level of your site, it will be in the form www.student.nvcc.edu/home/yourlanid/hw2. Some of you may want to create a folder on your site, e.g. ite170 and put your work for this class in that folder. In that case, you URL would be in the form www.student.nvcc.edu/home/yourlandid/ite170/hw2

Revised: January 20, 2016