Access InClass Exercise describes the tables in the database we will use. We will create the tables, enter the first two records in each table, and create the relationship between the tables. Once we see how it is done, we will use a larger version of the School database.for the queries below.

  1. Create a query called DC Students, listing the names of all students who live in DC.
  2. Create a query called DC or MD Students, listing the last names and the states of all students who live in DC or MD.
  3. Create a query called Composition and VA Students, listing the Student ID, First Name, Last Name, CourseName, and State of all Composition students who live in VA.
  4. Create a query called Composition or VA Students, listing the First Name, Last Name, CourseName and State of all students who are either taking Composition or who live in VA
  5. Create a query called Composition or World History Students, listing the First Names and Last Name, CourseName and State of all students who are taking either Composition or World History.
  6. Create a query called Large IDs listing the StudentID, Last Name, and City of all students with a StudentID larger than 9.
  7. Create a query called Average ID, which finds the average of the StudentID numbers.
  8. Create a query called Cities.  List all cities where the students live, in alphabetical order. Make the city names unique (do not repeat any city).