William M. Pegram
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Web Site Proposal and Project

Revised: May 28, 2008


The first step is to think of one or more ideas for a web site.  The most important thing here is to pick something that you want to do because this will help you devote the time necessary to do a good project.  Feel free to consult with the instructor if you have trouble thinking of ideas or are not sure whether a particular topic would be appropriate. .

Most students projects have not been done for a client.  In these "client-less" sites, the material from the site is taken from books or the internet, or written/developed by the student.  A few students have done websites for organizations or companies with which they are affiliated.  Doing a website for a client is good experience but either you have to be in a position to provide the content (e.g. you are involved with the organization) or the client must provide you content in a timely fashion.

Once you have chosen a topic, it is very helpful to think through the project before you start coding.  Writing things down in a proposal will help in this process and will give others a chance to comment before you start coding.  This allows you to get valuable feedback and get stakeholders to "buy in" to your proposal. Doing the site proposal will probably take you 2-3 hours for a very simple site..

The web site proposal need not be more than a page of text, although you may find that 2-3 pages are needed, and should address the following elements.  The answer to each element should ignore the fact that you are doing this for a class.  For example; the purpose of the site is not to pass the course, or learn more about web site design, and the instructor or your classmates are not the intended audience.

When you are proposing to revise an existing site, it is very important that you be as specific as you can about the changes you propose to make.  As with other proposals, this is not a commitment on your part; only a statement of intentions.

Although the written proposal will be provided to the instructor, feel free to solicit oral comment as you are developing the proposal.


What constitutes "better" is subjective, but the most important factors are probably:

The web site must be created using Notepad or another text editor or with a WYSIWYG editor such as Adobe Dreamweaver, Microsoft Front Page, Netscape Composer, etc.  You must not use a word processor and "Save as HTML."  The exception to this is that if you have documents that already exist in Word, you may save them as HTML.   

Web sites should have the following

Students usually do a site to be hosted on the internet. However, you may do a site for a CD or DVD if that form of delivery makes more sense.