Blends and Filters

Blend Modes

Blend modes mix the color information of a graphics object with the color information of the graphic objects behind it. The object on top must be either a movie clip or button symbol. Whether the thing below needs to be a symbol appears to depend on what type of object it is.

To avoid the interactions of the Merge Drawing model, one would -place the objects on different layers. One then select the object on the top, and select the blend mode from the Blend drop down box in the Property Inspector. (The Blend drop down box will not show up unless the object on the top is a movie clip or button symbol).

The blend modes are normal, layer, darken, multiply, lighten, screen, overlay, hard light, add, subtract, difference, invert, alpha, and erase.


Filters are applicable to text, movie clips, and button symbols only. To add a filter, select the object with the Selection tool, and then click on the Filters tab in the Properties Inspector, and then click on the + sign to display a list of filters. You can add multiple filters and change the order in which they are applied by dragging the filters. To remove a filter, select it and click the - sign. To save the settings for one or more filters, click on the + sign and choose Presets>Save As. One the filter is saved, it can be retrieved by choosing Preset>clicking on the name you saved under.

You can tween the filter by using a motion tween. Often this will involve using F6 to copy over the contents and then using a different filter setting for one keyframe than the other keyframe involved in the tween.

Filters in Flash CS3 are Drop Shadow, Blur, Glow, Bevel, Gradient Glow, Gradient Bevel, and Adjust Color.

Revised: July 21, 2008. Comments to William Pegram,