Guessing Internet Addresses

Remember that many large organizations have internet addresses that you can guess by following this form:

endings = .com, .edu., .gov, .mil, .org, net, .us

Guess the address for each item, then type it into your browser to see if the address works or not.   

1. Microsoft

Likely address: _______________________________________
When I tested this address, I (did) (did not) find the right site.

2. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

Likely address: _______________________________________
When I tested this address, I (did) (did not) find the right site.

3. George Mason University

Likely address: _______________________________________
When I tested this address, I (did) (did not) find the right site.

4. The White House

Likely address: _______________________________________
When I tested this address, I (did) (did not) find the right site.

5. The Internal Revenue Service

Likely address: _______________________________________
When I tested this address, I (did) (did not) find the right site.

6. The Washington Post

Likely address: _______________________________________
When I tested this address, I (did) (did not) find the right site.

If your initial guess is wrong, or you have little idea of what the address is, try typing the name of the organization in, including spaces.  The "real names" capability in recent versions of both Internet Explorer and Netscape will provide you with one or more choices.