Changes in the Internet since 2000
- faster connections - broadband now much larger share than dialup
- increased use of search
- rise of Google - (1) page rank system for search results (2) personalized web ads based on search terms (3) growth into other businesses
- Social networking sites - facebook, myspace
- More personal info about you is available online to others - social networking sites, more organizations using web sites, traffic tickets
- wireless connections - within home, cafes, whole communities (Philadelphia?)
- internet as primary news source for increasing number of people
- Research done more on internet and less in library leading to use of possibly
weaker sources
- Instant messaging and email replacing phone calls and letters
- Availability of TV shows on internet (internet content on TV coming now - new Apple device)
- More videos online (partly due to increased availability
of faster connections)
- More shopping online (including dating)
- Children and others multitasking with multiple applications
- Greater computer/internet competence across all age groups
- Decline of AOL and private content model
- Increase in spyware, trojan horses, viruses, and spam
- Increased student plagiarism via internet, resulting in tools to combat
- Wikipedia
- Increase in distance learning
- Failure of many internet companies and concepts
- Blogs - personal publishing
- Access to internet via cellphones and Blackberry
- More information online - Google Earth, Google Books
- Increased use of online maps/directions - Mapquest
- Increased sharing of personal photos via email and online services due to
faster connections and large increase in number of digital cameras
- Less use of phone books and printed newspapers (entertainment listings, want ads)
in favor of getting information online
- Increased online banking
- Increased higher education applications and registration online
- Content (music, software updates) delivered online rather than through storage media sold in stores or mailed (CD's)
Revised: May 7, 2007. Comments to William Pegram,