Dreamweaver Features Not Covered in Towers Macromedia Dreamweaver MX for Windows and Macintosh
- Import delimited tabular data - File>Import>Tabular Data
- Dynamic web pages (pages where information is fetched from a database and the resulting page sent to the browser) - Ch. 1-10 of Macromedia MX Advanced for Windows and Macintosh
- Inserting meta tags into head - Insert>Head Content>[particular type] Appendix H (on web) to basic book or Ch 15 of Advanced
- Accessibility - Ch. 16 of Advanced
- Timelines - Appendix N (on web) to basic book or Ch. 17 in Advanced
- Imagemaps - Appendix A (on web) to basic book - Insert image, then use rectangle or circle tool in property inspector (make sure it is expanded so you are seeing entire property inspector), for polygonal tool, click mouse for each vertex. The hotspoint pointer tool is to move a hotspot you have already created by dragging it, or by using the arrow keys to move it one pixel at a time.
- Target browser check - Appendix C to basic book on web only (in particular "browser profiles" and "common errors and what to do about them" - File>Check Page>Check Target Browsers
- Tag libraries - Edit>Tag Libraries. Ch. 12 of Advanced - (1) Allows you to control what shows up in Tag Hints Menu, Tag Chooser, and Tag Inspector panel (2) Control formatting for specific tags (3) Define a new library of tags, attributes, allowable values, etc.
Revised: June 23, 2003. Comments to William Pegram, wpegram@nvcc.edu