William M. Pegram
Home | Courses | Web Design | Office | Client-Side Scripting | Server-Side Scripting | About MeCSS Formatting Assignment
1) In Notepad, take your existing bio page and save it under a new filename.
2) Using this new page, replace all HTML formatting that specifies any of the following with CSS:
- font or background color
- font family
- font size
- bold, italics, or non-link underlining
- text alignment
- color of unvisited links, visited links, or active links
3) If replacing HTML by CSS that you did for step 2 does not result in a CSS specification for any of the 6 categories above, then add a CSS specification for that category.
4) Create a link from your existing index page to the new bio page and FTP the index page and your new bio page to your website..
Revised: January 25, 2006. Comments to William Pegram, wpegram@nvcc.edu