Frames, Layers, Forms, Behavior Assignment
1. Finish Cosmopolitan Farmer forms example started in class if you have not already done so. This example is taken from Dreamweaver MX: The Missing Manual by David Sawyer McFarland, Pogue Press, O'Reilly, 2002, pp. 316-325. The files for this tutorial are available on the book website at under Tutorial 6. To get the CGI script to function properly with your form, you will need to do the following:
- The Action attribute of the form tag should be set equal to
- The Method attribute of the form tag should be set equal to post
- The form elements should be named as follows: name, email, skills for the radio buttons with values of novice, intermediate, and advanced; referral for the drop down list, comments for the textarea.
You should also add a Validate Form behavior to the form to achieve the following:
- The name field should be mandatory
- The email field should be mandatory and look like an email field, with an @ symbol
2. Finish Compass Travel behavior example started in class (looks as much as possible like the completed example for Compass Travel) using behaviors.
Hint: When one mouses over the buttons on the left, the buttons on the left changes and the image to the right changes. This can be accomplished in at least two ways. First, one can use a Swap Image and Swap Image Restore behavior. In the Swap Image behavior, one specifies two images to be swapped, the buttons on the left and the image in the middle. The second solution is to put each of the images on the right in a separate layer and then use a show/hide layers behavior attached to the onMouseover event for the buttons on the left.
FTP all work to your website and create links to it from your home page.
Revised: July 24, 2003. Comments to William Pegram,