Table and Frames Exercise
This exercise requires you to create a site with tables and another with frames. The content for each should be the same. In the table exercise, the navigational links should be in the left column of the table and the content in the right column.. In the frame exercise, the navigational links should be in the left frame and the content in the right frame.
1. Table exercise - Create a 3 page site. Each page should have a two-column table. On each page, there should be 2 links in the left column (to the other two pages in the site) and a reference to the current page, however do not make the reference to the current page a link. Put some content (as much or as little as you like) in the right column. Create a link "table exercise" to the site from your home page.
2. Frames exercise - Make a framed site that looks as much as possible like the table site you created in step 1. Thus in the left frame there will be either two or three links to the pages with content. (The reason I say three is that you do not need to "delink" the reference to the current content showing in the right hand frame). Clicking the various links in the navigation bar causes the appropriate pages to be loaded into the right frame. Use the same content as you used in the table site. Create a link "frames exercise" to the site from your home page.
The links in the navigation bar can be text or image links, whichever you like. .