Web Site Proposal and Project
Revised: June 15, 2010
The first step is to think of one or more ideas for a web
site. The most important thing here is to pick something that you want
to do because this will help you devote the time necessary to do a good
project. Feel free to consult with the instructor if you have trouble
thinking of ideas or are not sure whether a particular topic would be
Most of these students projects have not
been done for a client. In these "client-less" sites, the
material from the site is taken from books or the internet, or written/developed
by the student. A few students have done
websites for organizations or companies with which they are affiliated. Doing
a website for a client is good experience but either you have to be in a position
to provide the content (e.g.
you are involved with the organization) or the client must provide you content
in a timely fashion.
Once you have chosen a topic, it is very helpful to think
through the project before you start coding. Writing things down in a
proposal will help in this process and will give the instructor a chance to
comment before you start coding. Doing the site proposal will probably
take you 2-3 hours.
The web site proposal need not be more than
a page of text, although you may find that 2-3
pages are needed, and should address the following elements. The answer
to each element should ignore the fact that you are doing this for a
class. For example; the purpose of the site is not to complete the course,
or learn more about web site design, and the instructor or your classmates are
not the intended audience.
- Similar sites review - Looking at "similar" sites is a great
sort of ideas; reviewing a few (2-4) carefully is more important than
reviewing many. You should list the URL and title of the site, and
cover the aspects of the site that are relevant to your project.
- Purpose - In a sentence, what is the purpose of the site?
- Intended audience - Keeping in mind your audience(s) helps you decide
what content to include and how much you should explain
- Goals - Listing specific goals of the site will often be useful in
deciding on specific content for the site
- Site structure - what elements do you want on each page, navigational
structure -- drawing pictures (storyboards) for this is probably the best
way to communicate this
When you are proposing to revise an existing site, it is very
important that you be as specific as you can about the changes you propose
to make. As with other proposals, this is not a commitment on your
part; only a statement of intentions.
What constitutes "a good project"
is subjective, but the most important factors are probably:
- appropriate XHTML coding - e.g. descriptive <title> tags; alt, height
and width attributes in <img> tags, HTML comments to source images
or text or document JavaScript, resizing of images in graphics program,
observing XHTML rules rather than looser HTML rules
- use of CSS
- page layout, use of colors, images, and fonts; readability
- content: Is the content on the web site appropriate for the intended
- navigation: Do the links work? Is the navigation scheme logical and easy
to understand?
- technical difficulty (e.g., number of pages and images, did you create
the images, etc., use of JavaScript and CSS)
- robustness of site to different monitor resolutions, connection speeds,
and browsers
Web sites should have all the following
- At least four pages (except in very unusual cases)
- Use of CSS, and appropriate use in external, embedded, or inline cases
- At least one image - a picture or graphic, and it need not be original
- At least one table unless you are using CSS for layout
- At least one relative link
- At least one absolute link to another site
- At least one mailto link
- Descriptive title tags on all pages
- Alt, height, and width attributes in all img tags
- Attribution within the site or in HTML comments for all images and text
taken from elsewhere
- If graphics are resized, they should almost always be resized in a graphics
program rather than with the
- height and width attributes of the img tag
- No spaces in file and folder names
- Home page of project should normally be an index.html or index.htm file
The best way to do this is to create a project folder within your website
where the home page of your project is an index.html or index.htm file
within this folder
Web sites may want to include some of the following:
- JavaScript
- Flash
- Use of Photoshop beyond resizing of images