Topics in JavaScript and VBScript
Placement of JavaScript in Web Pages - <script> and events, browser compatibility, internal vs. external, head and body, case sensitive
Elements of JavaScript Common to Most Programming Languages - numbers, strings, arrays, functions, conditional statements, loops
Built-in Objects in JavaScript - Date and Math objects
Responding to Events in JavaScript - Event Handling
Client-Side JavaScript - Objects Relating to the Browser
Window Object
alert, confirm, prompt
status line messages
intervals - executing code after a specified delay
navigator object - browser type and version
opening and closing new windows
location object - going to another location in the same window
history object - going forward and backwards
frames - loading into multiple windows via JavaScript; array vs. name notation
Document Object
dynamically-generated documents (opening windows, document.write)
color, lastModified, referrer properties
forms - array vs. name; JavaScript to verify forms; JavaScript to get user input to affect displayed page (e.g. jump menus)
images - rollovers, animations
stylesheets and DHTML
JavaScript Development Tools
Netscape Navigator - debugging
FrontPage2000 and Internet Explorer - Microsoft Script Editor
Dreamweaver - behaviors
Others, e.g NetObjects ScriptBuilder
Server Side Scripting with JavaScript and VBScript
Dynamically-generated web pages
Linking to databases