Northern Virginia Community College
Annandale Campus, Summer 2000
IST 226 - Web Page Design I, Section 01, Instructor: William M. Pegram

Links for Initial Student Presentations (Web Sites that Predate Class):

Suvatsala Boddu (done during first few weeks of class) Ramjee Pahadee
Jia-Wei Chen(Audit) Debra Spangler
Ou Chen  Mike Spillane
Van Fleishell  

Tentative Topics for Presentations and Links for Work in this Class 

Suvatsala Boddu Paul Haring (Audit)
Jia-Wei Chen - Active Server Pages - Audit Ramjee Pahadee
Ou Chen - Animated GIF's Debra Spangler - FrontPage 2000
Van Fleishell Mike Spillane - Photoshop, Illustrator

Last modified: June 8, 2015