IST 226 Project

Create one or more web pages.  The web page(s) can be on a topic, or simply to demonstrate techniques learned in the class.  If you want to modify things that already exist, please provide me a copy of the items before and after your modification.  Whether you do something new or modify something in existence, you must also provide me a description of what you did and the techniques you used.  This description will likely take up most of a page.  In this description you could also discuss any problems you encountered or how you might do it differently if you had it to do all over again.  This description will generally be a separate html file.  

Because you have limited time, I do not expect you to spend massive amounts of time on this -- something between 7 and 10 hours is a general guideline.

I have listed the topics below that we covered -- you may find it a useful reminder about possible things to include.  However, there is no need to utilize most or all of the things on this list.

When you are done, FTP the site to your website.  I will be happy to provide assistance to you in doing the project.  Any assistance you receive from anyone else should be discussed in detail in your description.  


Setting Up a Local Site Tables
Basic Web Pages Layers and tracing images
Editing HTML Conversion between tables and layers
Inserting Images CSS
Links Behaviors
Image Rollovers Library items
Flash Text Timeline
Flash Buttons Templates
Inserting Other Media History Panel
Fonts and Characters Site Map
Paragraphs and Block Formatting Design Notes
Creating HTML Styles  


Selection Tools in Bitmap Mode Creating Imagemaps
Selecting, Grouping, and Layers Creating a Web Page from an Image through Image Slicing
Using Vector Tools to Create Images Changing Optimization for individual Slices
Creating Animated GIFs  

Use of  JavaScript with forms

Active Server Pages & Connecting to Databases

Revised: July 30, 2002; Comments to William M. Pegram,