William M. Pegram
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Revised: November 29, 2023

Northern Virginia Community College - Annandale Campus

ITE 140-004N - Spreadsheet Software I, Spring 2023 (3 credits) - TTh 2:20-3:40PM, synchronous remote via Zoom, Dr. William Pegram, wpegram@nvcc.edu

Web Site for Class: www.billpegram.com

Instructor - William Pegram



Microsoft Excel 2021 is the focus of this course. Although Excel 2021 is available in the NVCC open labs, you will want to get Excel on your home computer. Students can get Excel and other programs for free - see the section on Office 365 at www.nvcc.edu/ithd/students/software.html. Thus students will typically have Office 365 rather than Excel 2021. Because Office 365 is an evolving product, there may be some very minor differences between Office 365 and Excel 2021. This was not a problem when I've taught this course in the past e.g. when I was teaching Excel 2019 in Spring 2022.


For questions about how IT courses transfer, visit www.transfervirginia.org or email iet@nvcc.edu.


Recommended: GO! with Microsoft Office 365, Excel 2021 Comprehensive, Gaskin, 2020, ISBN 9780137602292. Bookstore prices are print rental $80.99, digital rental for 1825 days $74.99, digital rental 180 days $44.99, digital rental 120 days $43.96. I've used two earlier versions of this textbook and it was very good. One advantage of this text over other Excel books is that the order of chapters in the text is exactly the order of content and homework in this course: 10 chapters in the book, 10 modules in Canvas, one for each chapter in the book..

Teaching Style and Zoom

Most of the time I will go slow enough so that you can do on your computer what I'm doing on mine which will be visible to you because I will be sharing my screen (the rare exception is when I am demoing something and will go faster). This requires you watching my screen in one screen/window and doing your work on another screen/window. This is challenging. There are several possible solutions:

  1. two monitors - I tried this obce when I was sitting in on a course, but never could get used to the second monitor
  2. one monitor with two windows (one for watching me in Zoom, the other for working in Excel
  3. watching me on a phone or table and working on your computer in Excel
  4. watching the recording, pausing it to work in the application, and repeating this throughout.

Although #4 may be best for some people, I think attending the Zoom session at the regularly scheduled time is probably best for most students. Although all sessions will be recorded and available on Canvas, my personal experience with webinars since March 2020, is that I am much more likely to watch something if I watch it live.

Just like in the classroom, just speak up if something doesn't work or wasn't clear; I realize this is more difficult than if we were in the classroom.


The Zoom recording will be available within an hour or two after the end of class.  When it is available, I get an email and then I have to publish it before you can view the recording.  You will usually have access to it by 6pm. To access the recording, click on the Zoom link at the left in Canvas and then the "Cloud Recordings" tab at the right.



Late Penalty Deductions on Assignments

Unless otherwise stated for a particular assignment, there is no penalty for late submission.  However, due to the large number of assignments, students are encouraged to keep up.

The instructor reserves the right to change the above policy should it lead to problems.

Weight of Various Items in your Final Grade

Discussions 20%
Quizzes (End of Chapter Quiz) 10%
Application Assessments 30%
Critical Thinking Projects 10%
Proctored Assessments 30%
Training (Homework, Simulations, Critical Thinking Quizzes, Practice Quizzes) 0% - one reason to do the training exercises is that it helps you prepare for things that count toward your semester grade.

Total 100%


I will be using Quickly Attendance to take attendance during class. I do not use attendance in assigning course grades. If you miss class, please check Canvas for any changes to the schedule, including new assignments. 

Office Hours

Office hours will be done through Zoom at the end of class for quick questions or by arrangement, usally on Friday. The URL for office hours is posted in Canvas. If you wish to meet with me, email me and we can find a mutually agreeable.

Communication with Students

For general class announcements and messages to individual students, I will use Canvas so make sure Canvas is set up so you see these promptly. Similarly, I suggest using Canvas to send me a message. If you email me at wpegram@nvcc.edu, please remember to include your name and class. For messages from the college, sign up for Nova alerts (http://alert.nvcc.edu); if you haven't already done so - you can get text messages and emails to addresses you specify.

Academic Integrity

On homework assignments and projects, students may ask for and receive some assistance from others, unless otherwise directed by the instructor.  Yet those helping a student should avoid "doing the work" for the student.

Unless specifically stated in the assignment, students may work together to complete an assignment. However my experience is that students who turn in essentially identical work on an assignment tend not to do well on subsequent tests either because they have not learned the material or are too reliant on another person. 

No assistance is permitted on the inclass midterms and final and your use of the computer may be monitored. The college policy on student conduct is found at www.nvcc.edu/students/handbook/conduct.html

Cheating on a test will result in a grade of 0 on the test. Cheating on a subsequent test will result in a grade of F for the course. Cheating may be reported to the Division Dean and the Annandale Judicial Affairs Officer.

Final Exam

The final exam is Tuesday, December 12 at 2pm - the time and date are as specified in the final exam schedule.

Dropping and Withdrawal from the Class:

For a 15 week class, the last day to drop with a tuition refund or change to audit is Thursday, September 7.  Saturday, October 28 is the last day to withdraw without grade penalty in a 15 week course. The award of W after the last day to withdraw REQUIRES official documentation and the Dean's signature which is very difficult to get.

If a student does not attend at least one class meeting via Zoom by September 7, his/her class registration will be administratively deleted unless you contact me. Watching a Zoom recording after the class does not satisfy this requirement since I am not provided information whether you watch a recording. If you are administratively deleted, there will be no record of the class or any letter grade on the student’s transcript. Furthermore, the student’s class load will be reduced by the course credits, and this may affect his/her full-time or part-time student status. Tuition will not be refunded.

Disability Accommodation

Please send me your accommodation form as early as possible.

Student Success Tips