Col 1
Col 2
Col 3
Col 4
Col 5
Col 6
Col 7
Col 8
Col 9
Col 10
Col 11
Col 12
I am 1/3, or 4 columns, wide
I am 1/3, or 4 columns, wide
Also have more content than the rest and we don't have a clear after the the first "row" of divs although we could put one in
I am 1/3, or 4 columns, wide
I am 1/2 wide
I am 1/2 wide
This is one third wide but has one column of blank space on the right by adding a suffix_1 class
This is 7 columns out of 12
The first child needs an alpha class
The alpha and omega classes have zero margins so the children can fit inside of the parent
The last child needs an omega class
This is not part of the parent