Basic HTML Assignment
(revised 2/6/19, based on a Judy Miller assignment)
You may use either Dreamweaver or a coding text editor such as Brackets, Notepad, Notepad++, or Sublime for this assignment. This is a straight up HTML assignment. No CSS.
Helpful resources:
General requirements for assignment
- Create a directory named hw2
- Inside the hw2 directory, create a one page website. Name the file me.html.
- The page must be valid HTML5. Use the validator to check the code.
- The page must contain the following:
- a level one heading that tells us your full name
- one paragraph that tells us a little about yourself
- a level two heading that says My Classes
- an unordered list listing the classes you are taking this semester
- a level two heading that says My Work
- one paragraph that tells us about your current job. If not currently working, about some previous job. If you have never worked, about your dream job.
- There is no minimum length for the paragraphs in your web page.
- After you have created and validated your me.html file, upload the hw2 directory, which contains the me.html file to MyDrive.
- Submit in Blackboard
- The URL of hw2 on myDrive - the URL should be (where the word username is the student’s MyNOVA username).
- The me.html file
- If you have problems with myDrive, do the attachment of the file in any case for partial credit.