Basic HTML Assignment
(revised 2/1/23 emphasizing at the bottom of this assignment the URL that must be submitted and 2/19/23 providing an alternate URL)
Use a text editor such as Notepad, Notepad++, Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, etc. for this assignment. This is a straight up HTML assignment. No CSS.
Helpful resources:
General requirements for assignment
- Create a directory (folder) named hw1
- Inside the hw1 directory, create a one page website. Name the file index.html
- The page must be valid HTML5. Use the validator to check the code.
- The page must contain the following:
- a doctype for html5
- a <head> and <body> section with a <title> tag in the <head>. All the rest below belongs in the <body> section.
- a level one heading that tells us your full name
- one paragraph that tells us a little about yourself
- a level two heading that says My Classes
- an unordered list listing the classes you are taking this semester
- a level two heading that says My Work
- one paragraph that tells us about your current job. If not currently working, about some previous job. If you have never worked, about your dream job.
- There is no minimum length for the paragraphs in your web page.
- After you have created and validated your lastname file, upload this file into the hw1 directory on your web space. You can do this through the myDrive interface or by using a FTP program such are CoreFTP or FileZilla.
- Submit in Canvas
- The URL of hw1 - the URL should be (where the word username is the student’s MyNOVA username, the thing before the @ sign in the email address).
- However, if you already have files at the top level of your site from another class, I suggest you put all your work for this class into a folder, e.g. ite170. In that case, your URL would be You are welcome to put all your files for this class in an ITE170 folder in any case.
- The URL you submit must contain your MyNOVA username; it will not contain the word "file". Unlike the myDrive that existed previously, there is no place to click that will give you the correct URL.
- An alternative to myDrive - your URL would be If you do this, you must use an FTP program like CoreFTP or FileZilla to upload your file to this website.
- The html file - Attach the file in case there are problems with the URL you submitted or you had difficulty with the myDrive interface or with FTP.