3 page assignment
HTML Links Homework
Do this assignment in text editor such as Notepad, Notepad++, textpad, Atom, Sublime Text, Visual Studio Code, etc.
- Create a folder called hw2
- all lowercase letters
- no spaces
- no capitals
- this is a FOLDER (also known as a directory), so do not put any extension on the name.
- save all of your work for this homework in the hw2 folder
- Using a text editor, code a three page website about you - you may reuse material from the one page html assignment if you like
- name the home page index.html
- the file names for the other two pages must follow the following naming conventions
- all lowercase letters
- no spaces
- no capitals
- the other two pages should have descriptive names rather than page2, page3, etc. - as your sites get larger, descriptive names are helpful
- use a consistent indentation scheme in your code
- link the pages together, using relative linking
- Put your links to the other pages in your site in an unordered list in the <nav></nav> section of the page (we'll hide the bullet points in a later assignment). The <nav> section belongs in the <body> section of your document.
- Because the files are all in the same folder, you specify only the filename for the href attribute of the a tag
- In a small site like this, each page should link to every other page, unless you want the user to go through your site in a particular order (like in a tutorial) - don't do a tutorial for this assignment
- Use a consistent navigation scheme, meaning the links should be in the same place and in the same order on every page. For the page you are currently on, there should either be a link to itself, or just the text of the link should appear (without it being an actual link). You should not drop the text for the current page out of the navigation bar - this is confusing for the user.
- You will find it convenient to copy your navigation links from one page to the other pages in your site
- Use the following tags
in your site -- a tag does not have to be in every page, e.g. you need only have one image
- h1
- h2
- p
- put at least two paragraphs on each of the inside pages. A paragraph may be only a single sentence.
- Use your own words
- a
- in addition to the relative links within your site, include an absolute link somewhere in the site to a external website
- img
- use the img tag on at least one page in your site
- specify a value for src, height, width, and alt
- Don't use any CSS or deprecated HTML tags or attributes
- Put the three html pages and the image file (you only need one image file) in the folder called hw2 - because they are all in the same folder, references can simply be to the filename
- Validate the html pages using the html validator.
- Upload the hw2 folder and all of its contents to your myDrive space.
- If you are using the myDrive file manager to upload the files, the easiest way is to upload the hw2 folder (it is now longer necessary to use the zipping and unzipping steps for this).
- If you are using an FTP program such as CoreFTP, you can just upload the hw2 directory (which will also upload its contents)
- The URL of your site on myDrive shoud be something like https://student.nvcc.edu/username/hw2 where username is replaced by your myNova username
- The URL must contain your myNova username.
- An alternative to myDrive - your URL would be http://www.ite170.com/yourlastname/hw2. If you do this, you must use an FTP program like CoreFTP or FileZilla to upload your files to this website.
- After you have uploaded your site to the server, test it in a browser, i.e. go the URL of your site and make sure everything works
- In Canvas, submit the URL when the homework is ready to be graded against the assignment.
- COPY and PASTE the url to your site.
- Do not submit a URL that includes the word "file"; this will not work
- Do not submit a URL that references Canvas because this will not be accessible to anyone but you; do not submit a URL that references a drive on your computer or a folder on your computer (e.g. Desktop)
- As a backup, attach the files or zip your hw2 directory and attach the zipped file in Canvas; however I will penalize you if your URL does not work..
Revised: 2/6/23, 4:10pm and 2/19/23 to provide an alternate URL