Revised: August 27, 2017
Northern Virginia Community College - Annandale Campus
001N: Monday 3:30-6:10 p.m. CT 228
004N Wednesday 12:30-3:10 p.m.
CT 228
Instructor: Dr. William M. Pegram,
Web Site for Class:; PowerPoints available on Blackboard
Prerequisite: ITE 115 (because it provides a limited introduction to HTML). If you plan on taking ITD110 (Web Design I) or ART 116 (Design for the Web I), I would recommend taking these courses before ITE170.
The course will have several aspects:
The goal is roughly 50% tools and 50% concepts.
Basics of Web Design - HTML5+CSS3, Third Edition, Terry Felke-Morris, Pearson, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-397074-6, 2015. Available in the bookstore and online, in both purchase and rental options. Current version preferred, but previous versions acceptable
(1) Dreamweaver CC: The Missing Manual: Covers 2014 release (Missing Manuals) by David Sawyer McFarland and Chris Grover, ISBN-13: 978-1491947203, December 2014: There is free online access to this book or a very similar book through the NVCC Library. Go to the NVCC library site, Select: books and eBooks tab, select: eBooks link, select Safari Tech and Business Book. You may have to enter your nova id and password at this point if you're not already signed into NOVA. You can type in the name of the book -- choose the Second edition.
(2) Flash Professional CC Classroom in a Book (2014 Release). Available through the NVCC library site (see instructions for Dreamweaver book above),
The Basics of Web Design book is the most important book of the three books.
In 2013, Adobe announced a major change. Instead of users paying a lump sum amount to own the software, users would now pay a monthly fee to use the software and instead of yearly new versions, changes would be introduced into the rental version on a continual basis. This rental version is termed Creative Cloud.
You will need access to this software outside of the classroom. For completion of assignments, any version of Dreamweaver, Flash, and Fireworks beginning with CS4 will be fine. It is possible, although very unlikely, that a small portion of some test might involve a feature from a more recent version of the software. Here are some alternatives for accessing the software outside the classroom:
In the past, the vast majority of students have used the free 30 day downloads. I recommend that you do not start the Dreamweaver trial early in the course, since you will likely want the Dreamweaver trial available to complete the web portion of the project, which will be due near the end of the course.
At some point, either during the course of after it, if you do not have access to Dreamweaver, you may wish to use Microsoft Expression Web which is available as a free download at This is a discontinued product and no further versions will be developed. However, since tests will be geared to Dreamweaver and because Dreamweaver will be more important to your future web work, use Dreamweaver whenever possible.
Late homework will be penalized.
Frequently asked questions about closings can be found at In cases of class cancellation, students must go to Blackboard for specific communication and instruction for the course.
If you miss class, please check the class website for any changes to the schedule, including new assignments. You are welcome to attend class in the other sections on an occasional basis, subject to capacity constraints. Which sections discuss the material first will depend on holidays, class cancellations, etc. so check the current version of the schedule page.
Before or after class and by arrangement. The Open Computer Lab in CT 122 is providing some instruction on Fridays in basic computer use and document and folder creation - see can also provide some help in basic web page creation and FTP, using CoreFTP and Dreamweaver. Their hours are M-Th 8Am-9PM, F 8am-4:30PM, Sat. 10AM-2PM.
I will email you at the email address on my class list which is your VCCS email address unless you specify a different address in Nova Connect. If you do not check this address frequently, I would recommend you set it up for automatic forwarding to an email address you do check more frequently. I will show you how to specify a different address in Nova Connect and to specify a forwarding address. Please remember to include your name in all emails to me since I often can't tell who you are from your email address.
Your grade will be a function of two to three tests (60%), homework and project (40%). Much of the grading of homework and tests will emphasize mastery of concepts and the ability to do a task according to the requirements and directions rather than artistic ability or creativity. The project will utilize getting started skills, graphics, HTML, and Flash. The topic must be a business or non-profit organization; a personal website is not acceptable..
Students are encouraged to help each other out. On homework assignments and projects, students may ask for and receive some assistance from others, unless otherwise directed by the instructor. Yet those helping a student should avoid "doing the work" for the student.
No assistance is permitted on exams and quizzes and your use of the computer may be monitored. The college policy on Academic Integrity is found at page 67 of the Student Handbook at The first time a student is caught cheating (giving help to another or receiving help from another) on an exam, the student will receive a zero for the respective exam. If a cheating incident happens again, the student will receive an F in the course.
Cheating may be reported to the Division Dean and the Annandale Judicial Affairs Officer.
Thursday, September 10 is the last day to drop a 16 week class and get a tuition refunds (use NovaConnect) or to switch to audit (which requires my signature). Tuesday, November 3 is the last day to withdraw without grade penalty in a 16 week course. The award of W after the last day to withdraw REQUIRES official documentation and the Dean's signature which is very difficult to get..
Sustained talking during lecture is distracting to the instructor and to other students. During hands on instruction, it is appropriate to ask me to repeat what I said or briefly ask your neighbor if you don't see where to click, etc. However, if I've moved onto another topic, it's better for everyone concerned if you move on as well, and then deal with the issue later.
NVCC is a place for learning and growing. You should feel safe and comfortable anywhere on this campus. In order to meet this objective, you should: a) let your instructor, his/her supervisor, the Dean of Students or Provost know if any unsafe, unwelcome or uncomfortable situation arises that interferes with the learning process; (b) inform the instructor within the first two weeks of classes if you have received a special needs or disability accomodation that may affect your performance in this course.
In case of emergency, please follow the emergency procedures as discussed on the first day of class. Students should familiarize themselves with both the primary and secondary routes that are to be used, in case you need to evacuate the building, as well as other evacuation or shelter-in-place procedures to be followed. PowerPoint Presentation on Emergency Preparedness