Fireworks Assignment

1. Create a folder called fireworks1 (5 points)

2. Part 1 - Find an image that is too large for a webpage (15 points). You could use a picture you took with a digital camera or you could use an image that you find on the web, e.g. through and save it into this folder.

Bring the image into Fireworks and resize the image to a size that would be suitable for a web page (15 points) -- keep the aspect ratio (relationship between height and width) the same as in the original picture. (10 points) Save the picture to the folder with a name based on the filename of the original picture but indicating it is smaller. (5 points)

Using the smaller picture, crop the picture in some way that seems appropriate. (15 points) Save it to the folder with a suitable name. (5 points)

3. Part 2 - Using the resized, non-cropped image, use bitmap selection tools such as the Marquee Tool, the lasso tools and the Magic Wand tool to select an area of the image -- e.g in a picture of a person, select the entire person or a portion of their body. Spend some effort doing this - don't just select a rectangular area. Remember that you can add to a selection by holding down the Shift key. Choose Edit>Copy and open a new file in Fireworks and select Edit>Paste. (15 points) Save the file with an appropriate filename in the folder (5 points).

4. Part 3 - Create an image using the vector tools, e.g. Rectangle, Oval, Pen, Pencil, Text, etc. tools. Again, spend a little effort doing this. (15 points) Save the file with an appropriate filename to your folder. (5 points)

Upload the folder to your website and email the URL of the folder to The folder should have 5 images:

-original image

-resized image

-cropped, resized image

-image created from bitmap selection tools

-image created from vector tools

Revised: March 14, 2010. Comment to Bill Pegram,