Create a PowerPoint presentation with the following features.  Points for each part are shown in parentheses - 14 points total

1. The title of the first slide should be "PowerPoint Assignment 1" (1) and the subtitle should contain your name on one line (1) and the name of the design template you are using on the next line. (1).

2 The second slide should have bullets. The first bullet should read "Current Semester". (1) Under this bullet, you should put second level bullets listing each course you are taking this semester. (1) Below this you should have a first level bullet reading "Last Semester" (1) and under that second level bullets showing the courses taken that semester (1). If the font becomes too small, you may put more than one course on a bullet. Give the slide an appropriate title (1).

3. Insert clip art into the third slide about your favorite hobby, sport, or pasttime (1) and again use an appropriate title.(1) .

4. Download a picture from the internet about your favorite hobby, sport, or pasttime and insert it into the fourth slide (1) with an appropriate title for the slide (1). In the speaker notes area of this slide, put the URL (internet address) from which you took the picture (1). Resize the picture if necessary so that you can put in a textbox with some text about the picture (1)

5. Email me the file as an attachment to (1). 

Revised: September 8, 2009. Comments to William Pegram,