Revised: February 20, 2000
1-2-3 Basics
Spreadsheet/workbook terminology - rows, columns, cells, sheets, active cell
Typing in a cell
Selecting ranges - row and columns, selecting ranges of cells
Editing a cell entry - Class exercise (p. 151)--
(1) Method 1: Move the cursor to the cell, click in the formula bar to position the insertion point (can move insertion point with arrows), edit, then enter to finish
(2) Method 2: Double click on the contents of a cell
(3) Method 3: With cursor on cell, click F2
Clearing a cell - Clearing content by selecting cell and pressing delete; to remove formatting, choose edit, clear, and then use dialog box (you may simply want to format it the way you want it rather than clear the formatting)
Enter actual data for Bush (300,846), McCain (237641), Keyes (25502)
Inserting and Deleting Rows and Columns - To add multiple rows, select the same number of rows
Adding More Sheets to Workbook and Renaming Sheets - Class exercise (p. 153)
Data Entry Shortcuts - Fill by Example - Click on right side of cell - (1) Repeating Cell entry class exercise (p. 153) - alternative of control c, control v is easier to remember (2) Data Series class exercise - a nice feature (3) Fill dialog box