Components of SmartSuite
- Word Pro - word processor
- 1-2-3 - spreadsheet
- Approach - database
- Freelance Graphics - presentation program
- SmartCenter - Menu
- Organizer - organizer
- ScreenCam - records "movies" of screen activities and keystrokes
- FastSite - website organizer
- ViaVoice - voice recognition for Word Pro and 1-2-3
Only Word Pro, 1-2-3, Approach, and Freelance Graphics are on lab computers. Other programs will be demonstrated, time permitting.
Examples of what you can do with Word Pro, 1-2-3, Approach, and Freelance (p. 8-11) -- start thinking about what application that you might want to use you will use for each in this course
Getting help in SmartSuite
- Ask the Expert (Help menu)
- Help Topics (3 different tabs - contents, index, and find - contents is like a table of contents, index looks for words in heading, and find looks for words beyond headings)
- Lotus Internet Support
- User Manuals (PDF files) - Exploring Approach, Exploring SmartSuite, Getting Started with Organizer, LotusScript Language Reference, LotusScriptProgrammer's Guide (these are shipped with Smartsuite software)
- Navy Federal Credit Union Computer Training Manuals available over the intranet
- Context Sensitive Help - F1
Revised January 31, 2000