Revised: June 8, 2015
Northern Virginia Community College - Annandale Campus
Introduction to Microcomputer Software, Spring 2001
Section 13N: TTh 11-12:15, CT228
Instructor: Dr. William M. Pegram,, (703)-486-0952 (home)Web Site for Class: (most up-to-date)
Alternative site for class: Description:
This course is a hands-on introduction to the four primary programs in the Microsoft Office suite - Word (word processing), Excel (spreadsheet), Access (database), and PowerPoint (presentations). Use of Windows, email, and a web browser will be briefly covered at the outset.
The Microsoft Office programs listed above should be available in all computer labs on campus. Should you wish to use it at home, as a student, you can purchase Microsoft Office 2000 Professional at the educational price of $169 from CampusTech at 1-800-543-8188 or through the bookstore (their price is probably a little higher). The Professional version includes Access, whereas the Standard version does not. The Premium version the programs in the Professional version plus FrontPage and Photodraw. The retail list prices for the Standard, Professional, and Premium versions are $499, 599, and $799 respectively. The educational versions of these products are identical to the regular versions.
Floppy Disks
You will want to bring a floppy disk to class so that you can save your work. If you forget to bring a disk, you can save your work to the c drive and then send an email to yourself with the file as an attachment.
I would prefer to have your homework submitted on a floppy disk. However, if you are going to miss class, you can email me and include the file(s) as attachments.
If you miss class, please check the class website for any changes to the schedule, including new assignments. Contact fellow students rather than the instructor regarding material that was covered during your absence. When class is cancelled due to inclement weather or instructor absence, assignments will be pushed back to the next class date. In cases of instructor absence, I will send an email to all students, so checking it before coming to class is always a good idea.
Teaching and Office Hour Schedule: I will publicize my office hours shortly.
Communication with Instructor: In addition to office hours, most class periods will have time for one-on-one questions with the instructor. Asking questions in this way is generally more efficient than email.
Texts:Each week I would expect to discuss the topics covered in a particular chapter in the first text listed below. Since the organization of material in another book may differ, it may be somewhat more difficult if you choose another text. However, you will not be tested on things that have not been mentioned in class, and therefore you could use another book without fear that something will appear on the test which was mentioned in the first text but not in class.
Microsoft Office 2000 Introductory Concepts and Techniques, Gary B. Shelly, Thomas J. Cashman, and Misty E. Vermaat, Course Technology, ISBN 0-7895-4635-3, 2000. approximately $63. Available on their website at
The above text (or the version related to Office 97) has been used in the past for IST117. It provides a lot of step-by-step instructions and exercises as well as alternative ways to accomplish various functions. The book is attractively laid out and well-written.
If you would like to use another book instead, I would recommend Teach Yourself Microsoft Office in 24 Hours by Greg Perry, ISBN 0-672-31439-8. $20. I think the HTML and JavaScript books in this series are quite good, with the FrontPage 2000 book less so. This book is less step-by-step and with fewer exercises.
Required Email Address
Students should email the instructor at the beginning of the semester from the email account where the student wishes to receive email from the instructor. Choose the email address that is most convenient for you, which may or may not be your NOVA email address. In all emails to the instructor, please include IST117 in the subject line and your name at the end of the message.
Grading Policy:
There will be 4 exams with the lowest grade thrown out. Makeup exams will not be given; if you miss an exam, you will receive 0 for that exam. These exams will be worth 54% of your grade, the final 26%, and homework worth 20%. Although this suggests that individual homework assignments are unimportant, quite the opposite is true. The best way to prepare for the exams is to give your best on each assignment and do it in a timely fashion so that you get feedback from the instructor.
Assignments will receive a 10% grade penalty for each class period they are late. Assignments that are more than 1 class period late, will either not be accepted (if I have discussed the solution) or will receive an additional 10% off for each additional class period late.
Academic Integrity
In general, students are expected to follow the Information Technology Student/Policy Ethics Agreement as posted in computer areas and academic integrity standards as set down in the Student Handbook.
In addition, I want to give you specific guidance regarding the following issues:
(1) On homework assignments and projects, students may ask for and receive some assistance from others, unless otherwise directed by the instructor. Yet those helping a student should avoid "doing the work" for the student. If students receive significant assistance from others, the student should give credit to these individuals. No assistance is permitted on exams and quizzes.
Withdrawal from the Class:
Friday, January 19 is the last day for schedule adjustments and textbook refunds. Thursday, March 15 is the last day to withdraw without grade penalty or to change to audit.
Learning Environment
NVCC is a place for learning and growing. You should feel safe and comfortable anywhere on this campus. In order to meet this objective, you should: a) let your instructor, his/her supervisor, the Dean of Students or Provost know if any unsafe, unwelcome or uncomfortable situation arises that interferes with the learning process; (b) inform the instructor within the first two weeks of classes if you have special needs or a disability that may affect your performance in this course.
Fire/Emergency Evacuation Procedures
Students should familiarize themselves with both the primary and secondary routes that are to be used, in case you need to evacuate the building, as well as other evacuation procedures to be followed.