Name:                                                   Preferred email address:

Educational background:

Work experience:

Current job duties:

Access to a personal computer (check all that apply): ____ home ____ office _____ other

Access to Lotus Office Suite of Programs ____ home _____ office _____ other (describe)
Describe extent of experience with the following office programs:
Word Processing Programs (e.g. Lotus Word Pro, Microsoft Office, WordPerfect, Wordstar)


Spreadsheet Programs (e.g. Lotus 1-2-3, Microsoft Excel, Quattro Pro)


Presentation Programs (e.g. Lotus Freelance Graphics, Microsoft Powerpoint)


Database Programs (e.g. Lotus Approach, Microsoft Access)


List programming languages you have studied or used or web page design experience (if any):


Please list anything related to the course where you have some knowledge or experience (e.g. experience in using a particular feature in some office program, web page design, programming languages, graphic layout, etc.)



If there are specific things you want to learn from this course, please list them:



Why are you taking this course?