William M. Pegram
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Web Development Program
The Volgenau School of Information Technology and Engineering
George Mason University

Times: MWF 6-10PM, January 10, 2007 - May 4, 2007

Location: Computer lab in room 333E, Truland Building, 3330 North Washington Boulevard, Arlington, VA 22201.

Instructor: Dr. William M. Pegram, bill@billpegram.com, (703)-486-0952 (home)

Course Description:

This hands-on course will teach you to develop web pages that utilize both client-side and server-side scripting. Students will gain a strong skill set and knowledge base in web design and programming. The course curriculum includes HTML, CSS, JavaScript, ASP and databases, IIS Server, Credit Card Verification, and Shopping Cart Applications.


Module 1: HTML & CSS 1/10/2007 1/29/2007 detailed schedule
Module 2: JavaScript 1/31/2007 2/23/2007 detailed schedule
Module 3: IIS, ASP and Databases 2/26/2007 4/9/2007 detailed schedule
Module 4: E-Commerce (Shopping Carts, Credit Card Verification) 4/11/2007 5/4/2007 detailed schedule

The above schedule will be adjusted as the course progresses if students require more or less time on particular topics than anticipated. Some topics are revisited at several points in the course and your understanding of these topics will deepen as the course progresses.

Attendance and Inclement Weather:

If you are going to miss class, please email or call the instructor by 4:30PM that day if possible and later check the class website to learn about material covered that day. In cases of inclement weather, class will be held if and only if GMU Arlington classes are being held.


The following texts will be covered, pretty much in their entirety.

(1) HTML, XHTML & CSS, 6th Edition, Elizabeth Castro, Peachpit Press, ISBN 0-321-43084-0, 2007.
(2) Beginning JavaScript, 2nd Edition, Paul Wilton, Wrox, ISBN 0-7645-5587-1, 2004.
(3) Beginning Active Server Pages 3.0, Chris Ullman, David Buser, et al, Wrox, ISBN 0-7645-4363-6, 2003.
(4) Teach Yourself E-Commerce Programming with ASP in 21 Days, Stephen Walther and Jonathan Levine, SAMS, ISBN 0-672-31898-9.

Revised: January 8, 2007