Do the following first with handcoding and then do a separate file where you do things in Dreamweaver.

1. HTML Tables and Forms - Create a file and save it as an htm or html page.  Make the page look as much as possible like the form shown at the end of this question.  Here are some things to pay attention to:

-proper table coding
-the table occupies three quarters of the width of the page, regardless of screen resolution
-the table is centered horizontally on the page (same distance from the left and right margins)
-each column of the table is the same width
-horizontal alignment within table (things line up across the page as shown below)
-vertical alignment within table (things line up down the page as shown below)
-choices for favorite sport should be basketball, football, and none of the above
-button labeled Submit shows up and clicking submit button sends form information to action.asp
-button labeled Clear shows up and clicking clear button clears form information 

Last Name:
Day of week: Monday
Interests: Web Design
Web Development
Favorite Sport  

2. CSS - Add an embedded (global) stylesheet to this page which formats the text as Times New Roman.

3. JavaScript - Add JavaScript to the page so that the page will not be submitted if there is not an entry for last name or if there is not an entry for interests.