This schedule will be changed frequently as the course progresses, particularly
with new code samples added.
Date |
Topics |
Reading/Homework |
1/23 |
Introductions, Course Information
Chapter 1 |
1/30 |
Operators and Expressions
- dot syntax for objects, methods, and properties
- JavaScript in event handlers and as a URL
- Date object with get and set methods
- arithmetic operators and shorthand notation (++, +=, etc.)
- pre- and post-increment
- Math object, isNan(value), isFinite(value), value.toFixed(digits)
- converting between numbers and text strings
- conditional, comparison, and logical operators
- time-delayed commands and commands at specified intervals
- recursive use of setTimeout
using form field
- example of setInterval using
form field
- rounding numbers and generating random numbers
Chapter 2 |
2/6 |
Arrays, Loops, and Conditional Statements
- declararing arrays, assigning values as part of declaration
- array methods - reverse, sort, slice, splice, push, pop, unshift,
shift, concat, join, toString
- for, while () {} and do {} while () loops
- if statement
- switch statement
- break and continue statements, statement labels
- JavaScript calendar showing
current month and with current day of month bolded
- calculation using JavaScript rounding function
Chapter 3 |
2/13 |
4:30PM and later GMU Classes cancelled |
2/20 |
Chapter 4, JavaScript Assignment
1 |
2/27 |
Special Effects
Chapter 5 |
3/6 |
Windows and Frames
- properties of the window object - defaultStatus, status
- use of return true or return false to disable the default action
- history object methods - back(), forward(), go()
- location object - redirection to another page by windowobj.location.href
- document.referrer - possible security restrictions outside domain
-, name, features) and methods that change aspects of current window
- window.alert("message", window.prompt("message", "default", window.confirm("message") - inclass coding
- writing content to another window and accessing an object within a window from another window
- modal and modeless windows (IE only)
- frames and iframes
Chapter 6 |
3/20 |
Forms and Regular Expressions
- referencing a form and form element
- input fields - properties and methods
- selection lists - options[] and text and value properties, selectedIndex
- radio buttons and checkboxes - checked property
- form validation - onsubmit event handler - return false disables default action - inclass coding
- String object methods - charAt, slice, substr, substr, split, indexOf
- String formatting methods
- regular expressions - character positions, character types, repeating characters, alternate patterns, grouping
- regular expression object constructor, regular expression methods - test, search, match, split, replace
- appending data to a URL and retrieving form data through
Chapter 7 |
3/27 |
- cookie limitations - <4K, <=20 from given website, <=300 total - one unused for longest period of time is purged
- create a cookie - name, value, expires, path, domain, and secure attributes - inclass coding of cookie writing and parsing to pre-populate form elements
Chapter 9 |
4/3 |
Project Presentations and Discussion |
Project |