The schedule will
be updated with links to homework exercises and additional material as the
course progresses. The order of topics within Dreamweaver and Flash is likely to be different than shown below due to the change in texts but the topic coverage should be similar. The most current copy of this schedule can be found Material, including quiz dates, below the X below is tentative; students should not work on assignments shown below the X since the assignment will likely change.
Week |
Class Topics |
Reading/Homework Due (more will be added
as course progresses) |
Week 1
8/21. 8/26
Course Introduction, Web Graphics
Images, Fireworks |
Week 2
8/28, 9/9
Web Design |
Week 3
9/4, 9/16
Week 4
9/11, 9/23
Web Graphics
- Web Design Basics - Chapter 3 PowerPoint slides in Blackboard (normally done week 3)
- Remainder of Chapter 4 PowerPoint slides - id, contextual CSS (descendant)
- References and XHTML Rules (ppt)
- Web Graphics Styling Basics - Chapter 5 PowerPoint slides on Blackboard
- Assignment 1 (see Blackboard) due 9/10 at 10am for Wednesday class, due 9/23 10am for Monday class
- Felke-Morris Chapter 5
; |
Week 5
9/18, 9/30
Week 6
9/25. 10/7
Conceptual/Hands On - Dreamweaver
- Dreamweaver workspace
- Code, Split, Design, and Live View
- Property Inspector, Panels
- DW site definition
- Adding Folders and Pages to Website by right-clicking in Files panel
- Create a New Page by File>New - Choose CSS Layout and Doctype
- Titling page, adding text, and formatting
with headings, paragraphs, and line breaks
- Creating absolute links
- Importance of saving a file before creating relative reference from file
- Creating Relative links in Dreamweaver
- Renaming and Moving Files within Files menu
(updating depends on proper site definition)
- Dreamweaver FTP - preserves file and folder structure automatically( !) - DW Site Definition and FTP Video
- Inserting Inline Graphics
- Setting HTML Image Properties - most are deprecated in favor of CSS - see deprecated list (week 3)
- Making an Image into a Link
- Setting default images folder in site definition
(when inserting file outside of site, will automatically copy into designated images folder within site)
- Alt and longdesc properties
- Settiing Page Properties - HTML and CSS, use of color picker to get colors from other sources
- Unordered and Ordered Lists
- XHTML/CSS Assignment (due 9/24 10am for Wednesday class, 10/7 10am for Monday class)
- Dreamweaver CS6 text, Chapter 1 (skim), Chapter 2 (Sites), first part of Chapter 3
Week 7
10/2, 10/21
(no class Monday 10/14)
- Image Placeholder
- Inserting Description and Keyword Meta Tags
- Copying and Pasting in Design and Code View
- Horizontal Rules and Special Characters (see p.31 and 42-43 in Felke-Morris for the HTML)
- Find and Replace
- Check Spelling
- Named Anchors
- Image Maps
(see also pp. 146-147 in Felke-Morris for the HTML)
- Email links
(see pp. 54-55 in Felke-Morris for the HTML)
- CSS using CSS Styles Panel and Property Inspector
- . Dreamweaver CS6 text Chapters 3-7
Week 8
10/9, 10/28
Midterm on Concepts and HTML, CSS, Fireworks, perhaps some Dreamweaver
Week 9
10/23, 11/4
(no class
Wed. 10/16 if no prior Wednesday course cancellations)
Conceptual - CSS
- Box Model - content, padding, border, margin (DW text, p. 228-230)
- CSS Positioning - static, relative, inherit, absolute, fixed (DW text, p. 229-230)
- Skip Navigation links- e.g (link becomes visible when you hit the tab key), (.skip{height:1px;left:-10000px;overflow:hidden;position:absolute;width:1px;})
- Some ITE 170 Past Projects
- CSS Float and Clear properties - Use with Images (DW text, p. 230), csslayout1, csslayout2, csslayout3
Hands On
- Using Predefined CSS Layouts
(DW text, p. 231-242)
- normally put CSS in external file, can use Code Navigator (alt-click to show style selectors (tags, classes, id, compound) affecting point of click and cursor over to see CSS properties and double-click to take you to the CSS code (DW text, p. 225-226)
- How to Change the Appropriate Stylesheet Property in the Predefined Layouts
- Using CSS Inspection (DW text, pp. 258-259) - works in Live View Mode (shows box model)
- Tables with DW
(pp. 267-294)
Week 10
10/30, 11/11
- Discussion of midterm results
- CSS Layout examples from Judy Miller
Hands On
Week 11
11/6. 11/18
- Flash text pp. 1-56, 163-192 (frame by frame animation)
Week 12
11/13, 11/25
- Flash text pp. 149-162 (symbols), pp. 193-210 (classic tweening, pp. 211-222 (shape tweening). pp. 223-264 (motion tweeing), pp. 314-321, 326-330 (buttons, movie clip symbols)
- HTML portion of Project due (11/25 for Monday class, 11/13 for Wednesday class)
Week 13
11/20, 12/2
Week 14
12/4, 12/9
no class Wed. 11/27
Week 15
12/11. 12/16