Revised: July 26, 2001     

IST 129 Schedule

This schedule will be changed often.  If you miss a class, please check on the web for the most recent schedule.  Except for the beginning and the end of the course, two dates are shown for a date -- this means that the lecture or test will be on Tuesday in the 4:30 class and on Thursday in the 7PM class, with the other period being a lab class where no new material will be covered..  

Date Topics Reading related to Topics/Homework Due
May 17 Class Organization, Schedule,   NOVA Email Instructions, Browser Basics, Creating, Viewing, and Revising Web Pages, Text Formatting, Spaces Meyers Ch 1-4; Maran Ch. 1-3; Niederst Ch. 7
May 22 Color, Browser Safe Color Chart, Transferring files to the server; FTP Instructions, Introduction to Links Meyers Ch. 5,6; pp. 272-278; Maran Ch. 4; Niederst pp. 28-34, 57-59; Email Instructor from email address where you want to receive emails; include your name and section number, and address of web site where your work will be hosted
May 24 Links, Creating Folders in Notepad, Putting Images on Web Pages,  Finding and Using Web Graphics, alignment of text and images example Meyers Ch. 7; Maran Ch. 7; Niederst pp. 133-137, 143-145; Download WS FTP LE  for Windows, or Fetch for the Mac, install it, and upload a home page to your web site.  
May 29/31 Images Simple Linking Exercise, Meyers Ch. 8, 9; Maran Ch. 5-6; Niederst pp. 157-164
June 5/7 Tables, Uses of Tables, background images Meyers Ch. 12-13; Maran Ch. 8; Niederst pp. 176-201; Logo Linking Exercise
June 12/14 Link colors, <HR>, HTML Editors,  Website Proposal/Project, Links to Past Student Projects, FrontPage Basics, FrontPage Exercise Maran Ch. 9;  Niederst pp. 96, 154-156, Table Exercises
June 19 Midterm (no class June 21)  
June 26/28 Review of Midterm, Frames  Meyers, Ch. 16; Maran, Ch. 11; Niederst pp. 209-225; Website Proposal
July 3/5 Forms  Meyers, Ch. 14-15, Maran, Ch. 10; Niederst; 233-250; Tables and Frames Exercise
July 10/12 Editing Graphics with PhotoEditor and IrfanView, Imagemaps Meyers, Ch. 10-11; Maran, Ch. 12; Niederst pp. 137-143, 201-205; Ch. 14-17 (chapters are more advanced than we'll cover); Forms Exercise
July 17/19 Stylesheets, Code Sample Maran, Ch. 13-14; Niedest Ch. 23; Imagemap Exercise
July 24/26 Animated GIFs and GIF Movie Gear; Advertising Your Site, Design Meyers pp. 279-283; Maran Ch. 15; Niederst, pp. 98-101, Ch. 18; Style Sheet Exercises
July 31 Makeup day/free day -- Help with projects (attendance optional) 
August 2 Web Site Presentations, Course evaluation
August 7 Final Website due

Comments to William M. Pegram,